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April 3 - April 24, 2019
Morgan Bettencourt's avatar

Morgan Bettencourt

FGCU Climate Change Heroes


  • 0 TODAY
  • 291 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    not traveled by car
  • UP TO
    traveled by carpool
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved

Morgan's actions


Recycle Everything I Can

#55 Household Recycling

I will recycle all materials that are accepted by local haulers or drop stations in my community.



Try Carpooling

#75 Ridesharing

I will commute by carpool 5 mile(s) per day and avoid sending up to 2.47 lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Keep Track of Wasted Food

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will keep a daily log of food I throw away during the EcoChallenge, either because it went bad before I ate it, I put too much on my plate, or it was scraps from food preparation.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Morgan Bettencourt's avatar
    Morgan Bettencourt 4/25/2019 12:15 PM
    This challenge taught me that the smallest commitment, or even just stepping outside of your comfort zone can really help make a difference. I think that this is an amazing, and fun way of getting people involved with climate change recovery.

  • Morgan Bettencourt's avatar
    Morgan Bettencourt 4/18/2019 10:53 AM
    Today my roommates and I took another step.. and we added a waste basket in our house for all the food that we have wasted. I was surprised at how well we have been doing at this!

  • Morgan Bettencourt's avatar
    Morgan Bettencourt 4/17/2019 6:41 PM
    Tonight at dinner, I encouraged my roommates to bring home their leftover food and eat it tomorrow. This reduces the amount of waste that we are creating for restaurants. We tend to eat out A LOT, and it seems that we never finish our meals, which I did not notice much until we began this challenge.

  • Morgan Bettencourt's avatar
    Morgan Bettencourt 4/17/2019 6:39 PM
    I completed my challenges on this day, however forgot to log them. My roommates and I still continue to recycle in our dorm, and they have helped me keep track of the food that we waste. We use uber almost everyday or carpool to class!

  • Morgan Bettencourt's avatar
    Morgan Bettencourt 4/10/2019 11:45 AM
    It has been a difficult task to keep track of my food that is wasted. First of all, it is astonishing to me how much food that I waste, especially when I go to a restaurant. Almost every time I go out to eat, I will put some of my food in a take home box (planning to eat it) and then I throw it away a few days later. Not only is this wasting food, but it is also wasting plastic materials from the box. Carpooling has been somewhat easier because I enjoy it. I either Uber, or my friends and I plan to drive somewhere together. In my apartment, I have two trash cans, one is labeled 
    Recycling, and the other is labeled garbage. Not only am I attempting to recycle more, but this has also encouraged my roommates to do so.