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April 3 - April 24, 2019
Brianne Smith's avatar

Brianne Smith

Georgia Southern University

""In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks" - John Muir"


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,263 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved

Brianne's actions


Purchase a Carbon Offset

#43 Airplanes

If I buy a plane ticket, I will purchase a carbon offset.



Research and Advocate for High-Speed Rail

#66 High-Speed Rail

I will spend at least 30 minutes researching and advocating for a comprehensive high speed rail network in my country/region.



Research and Consider Switching to a Hybrid or Electric Vehicle

#26 Electric Vehicles

I will spend at least 20 minutes researching and weighing my options to see if a hybrid or electric vehicle makes sense for my lifestyle.



Learn More about Silvopasture

#9 Silvopasture

I will spend at least 15 minutes watching videos and/or reading about the environmental benefits of silvopasture.



Learn More about Regenerative Agriculture

#11 Regenerative Agriculture

I will spend at least 15 minutes learning about the need for more regenerative agriculture.


Land Use

Learn about Temperate Forests

#12 Temperate Forests

I will spend at least 45 minutes learning more about the environmental services provided by and the environmental issues affecting temperate forests.


Action Track: Social Justice

Start a Social Media Campaign

#6 Educating Girls

Through social media, I will raise awareness about gender inequity in education by sharing the information found in the links below.


Women and Girls

Learn about the Need for Family Planning

#7 Family Planning

I will spend at least 15 minutes learning more about the need for family planning globally.


Land Use

Buy Bamboo

#35 Bamboo

When they are available, I will purchase products made from bamboo instead of wood, plastic, or metal.



Keep Track of Wasted Food

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will keep a daily log of food I throw away during the EcoChallenge, either because it went bad before I ate it, I put too much on my plate, or it was scraps from food preparation.



Launch a Recycling Program

#56 Industrial Recycling

I will set up a recycling center at my workplace or school.



Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will spend at least 15 minutes learning how to differentiate between sell by, use by, and best by dates.



Explore Other Transport Solutions

All Transport Solutions

I will spend at least 20 minutes researching other Drawdown Transport Solutions.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/24/2019 12:54 PM
    All in all, I produced less than 10 lbs of food waste during this challenge. This is pretty normal for me. I stopped wasting food when I was a broke college/grad student & realized how important "waste not, want not" was. Most of the waste was from meal prep, so inedible rinds, egg shells, and/or coffee grounds. All of this can go in a compost pile.

    As for the social media campaign..... It was disheartening at how few people cared about the subject. I changed tactics toward the end and started sharing stories about women currently fighting climate change (I know, a bit outside the parameters of the social justice campaign I was supposed to be doing). People responded a lot more positively to this. I got more feedback and people were more interested in the stories. So my take-away message: people care about gender inequity in climate change when women are acting like superheroes solving the problem. But when it comes to treating women as equals, globally, to help combat climate change, people would rather not think about it. We have a long way to go.

  • Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/22/2019 6:14 PM
    It's becoming harder and harder to post about gender inequality daily. Its not the lack of information out there - its the subject that is disheartening. All of the articles say the same thing, give the same statistics, repeat the same warnings, & it falls on deaf ears. Posting on social media about it, where it receives ZERO responses, illustrates the lack of caring and understanding about this subject.

  • Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/20/2019 8:21 PM
    Holiday weekend. That means family events & food. It also means I saw food wasted in so many different ways. I kept my waste to a minimum, but after seeing what my big family produced, & knowing there are thousands of families out there also having events this weekend, I would imagine a large amount of food is going to waste.
    Materials Launch a Recycling Program
    How can you take your commitment to sustainable living beyond yourself? How can you, personally, work toward broader change?

    Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/16/2019 3:07 PM
    For months now I have been advocating to Crayola to extend their ColorCycle program to colleges/universities because  of how many markers/dry erase markers/highlighters are used on campus. Understandably, Crayola only allows K-12 institutions to participate. So I have made pleas on social media for my K-12 teacher friends to enroll. Nothing. I started calling elementary schools encouraging them to enroll. Today, I heard back from an elementary school in my hometown that enrolled in the ColorCycle program after I contacted them and agreed to partner with me to allow me to bring markers/highlighters collected in my department that they will send with their markers to ColorCycle. Recycling in my department just went a step further than the basic bins and an elementary school is now keeping plastic out of landfills!
    Transport Purchase a Carbon Offset
    A round-trip flight from New York City to Los Angeles emits just over 1.5 tons of CO2. What can you do to reduce the number of flights you take per year?

    Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/15/2019 4:54 PM
    I don't take that many flights per year. This action just kind of came up unexpectedly. When I was selecting actions for this challenge, I had seen that one and passed it by because I don't take that many flights. However, my best friend, who lives in Oklahoma, and I were planning a trip this summer and it requires a plane ride. I found which allows you to purchase an offset at what I thought was a more than reasonable price. Interesting side note: Cool Effect also allows you to purchase offsets for your yearly carbon usage. 90% of the proceeds go directly towards a green project. Win-win!
    Transport Research and Advocate for High-Speed Rail
    What are the factors that influence your choice of transportation? These can include things like money, time, and convenience, as well as perceptions of danger or safety. What would need to change for you to regularly choose more climate-friendly options?

    Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/15/2019 4:34 PM
    Convenience is the biggest influence for my choice of transportation. Driving happens to be the most convenient mode of transportation for me, even in long distances. I drive all over the southeastern U.S. Its really only when I travel across the country that I choose an airplane. Unfortunately, most of the places I travel are rural areas so buses and trains are not options. Driving is just more convenient.
    Transport Research and Consider Switching to a Hybrid or Electric Vehicle
    Reducing (or eliminating) exhaust emissions and improving public health are two benefits of green vehicles. What other motivators inspire you to consider switching to a more fuel-efficient vehicle?

    Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/15/2019 4:25 PM
    Money. Money is always a motivator. With as much driving as I do, a more fuel-efficient vehicle could only save me money. 
    Food Keep Track of Wasted Food
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Where would you rather use this money?

    Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/15/2019 4:17 PM
    There are a lot of places I could spend $1500. And because there are a lot of places that need my $1500, I try to make it a practice to not have food wasted in my household.
    Land Use Buy Bamboo
    Are bamboo alternatives readily available in your community? If not, what are other sustainable alternatives?

    Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/15/2019 4:15 PM
    Most bamboo alternatives are not readily available in my community. Unfortunately, a lot of the household alternatives have to be ordered, which means packaging and shipping. Fortunately, the companies I've purchased bamboo products from are trying to responsibly pack and ship products, so the packaging is minimal (carbon from shipping is still pretty high).
    Action Track: Social Justice Start a Social Media Campaign
    How are people responding to the statistics you're sharing on social media?

    Brianne Smith's avatar
    Brianne Smith 4/15/2019 4:13 PM
    Honestly, no one on my social media seems to care about the information I put out there. Thats not surprising, but it is disappointing and a reflection of why a social media campaign of this nature is necessary in the first place.