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April 3 - April 24, 2019
Aimee Tai's avatar

Aimee Tai

Neighbours for the Planet

"Make the world a better place, one step at a time"


  • 0 TODAY
  • 561 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals
  • UP TO
    spent exercising

Aimee's actions

Buildings and Cities

Go for a Daily Walk

#54 Walkable Cities

I will take a walk for 30 minutes each day and take note of the infrastructure that makes walking more or less enjoyable, accessible, and possible.



Reduce Animal Products

#4 Plant-Rich Diet

I will enjoy 2 meatless or vegan meal(s) each day of the challenge.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Reduce Animal Products
    In your opinion, what contributes to people in North America eating more meat than any other countries? What does this say about North American values and ways of living?

    Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 4/08/2019 4:57 PM
    Our "culture" has led us to believe that meat is needed at each meal. Whereas in other countries it is not considered needed at every meal. This says that meat is a luxury that we have become accustomed to as every day life which reflects most of our ways of living..

  • Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 4/06/2019 8:52 AM
    Happy Birthday Matthew! 🎂

  • Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 4/05/2019 1:34 PM
    Today was a very cold day to talk a walk
    Buildings and Cities Go for a Daily Walk
    What have you noticed on your daily walks? What have you enjoyed? What infrastructure changes could make your walks more enjoyable or possible?

    Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 4/01/2019 12:23 PM
    I have noticed that there is a lot of trash beside sidewalks and it should be taken care of because it harms the ecosystem. It is nice now because the weather has become nicer, and birds have returned. It would be nicer if there were more parks and trails to walk along. Also sidewalks would be better if a bit wider.

  • Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 3/31/2019 6:17 AM
    Let's keep our posts about what were doing or want to do in this challenge, for example your second post was good Matt

  • Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 3/30/2019 6:46 PM
    Happy Earth Hour

  • Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 3/30/2019 3:51 PM
    Happy Earth Hour everyone!

  • Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 3/29/2019 4:52 PM
    Only five more days team!

  • Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 3/28/2019 5:23 AM
    I mean walk, not work. Oops

  • Aimee Tai's avatar
    Aimee Tai 3/27/2019 4:43 PM
    Me and Allison have decided that we will work for 30 minutes each day, so basically walking home from school