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April 3 - April 24, 2019
Daibelis Acevedo's avatar

Daibelis Acevedo

Seton Hall University


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  • 328 TOTAL

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Daibelis's actions


Launch a Recycling Program

#56 Industrial Recycling

I will set up a recycling center at my workplace or school.


Land Use

Buy Bamboo

#35 Bamboo

When they are available, I will purchase products made from bamboo instead of wood, plastic, or metal.


Women and Girls

Support Women-Owned Businesses

#62 Women Smallholders

I will spend 5 minutes each day researching women-owned businesses I can support when shopping.



Smaller Portions

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will use smaller plates and/or serve smaller portions when dishing out food.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Materials Launch a Recycling Program
    How can you take your commitment to sustainable living beyond yourself? How can you, personally, work toward broader change?

    Daibelis Acevedo's avatar
    Daibelis Acevedo 4/16/2019 8:26 AM
    My commitment and work toward a sustainable living does not stop only at me. With the knowledge that I have now I can share this with all the different people that are in my life. For example, people at my work place, at school, and even my friends and family. It's important to share the knowledge one uses because it will do no good if others are not just as involved. Personally, when working toward a broader change I can try to do things for bigger places such as my town, or my school. Instead of just making a change for myself, I can try to make a change for everyone else. 

  • Daibelis Acevedo's avatar
    Daibelis Acevedo 4/11/2019 8:22 AM
    Here is a photo of our team working hard to make our garden beautiful! We love our garden. 

  • Daibelis Acevedo's avatar
    Daibelis Acevedo 4/11/2019 8:17 AM
    I recently visited a woman owned business in Clifton, NJ. It is a clothing store names "Once Upon A Skirt" and they have beautiful clothing. I decided to support this business because they are woman based, and owned by a woman. As a part of my challenge, I found motivation to do this.
    Women and Girls Support Women-Owned Businesses
    Globally, women typically invest a higher proportion of their earnings in their families and communities than men. How can you better support communities by supporting women? Can you share any past experiences that may help others take action?

    Daibelis Acevedo's avatar
    Daibelis Acevedo 4/11/2019 8:15 AM
    I really like the idea of supporting women in my community so I do things like eat at their local food businesses, and shop at their local boutiques. I choose to do that because I want to show them the support that I have for them, and that as a community we want their businesses to flourish. 
    Food Smaller Portions
    Fun fact: Your brain and stomach register feelings of fullness after about 20 minutes of eating. While dishing food out, we tend to load our plates with more than we need. Using smaller plates helps to mitigate this. Aside from the environmental benefits, what other benefits might come out of eating smaller portions?

    Daibelis Acevedo's avatar
    Daibelis Acevedo 4/08/2019 6:41 PM
    Serving smaller portions is the way to go! It has really helped me with wasting less food and only taking on what I know I will eat.