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April 3 - April 24, 2019
James Greenhall's avatar

James Greenhall

Wallkill Senior High School

"Reduce! Reuse!! Recycle!!! "


  • 0 TODAY
  • 102 TOTAL

James's actions


Reduce Animal Products

#4 Plant-Rich Diet

I will enjoy 2 meatless or vegan meal(s) each day of the challenge.



Smaller Portions

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will use smaller plates and/or serve smaller portions when dishing out food.



Keep Track of Wasted Food

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will keep a daily log of food I throw away during the EcoChallenge, either because it went bad before I ate it, I put too much on my plate, or it was scraps from food preparation.


Electricity Generation

Spread the Word about Energy Alternatives

All Electricity Generation Solutions

I will research and tell 9 people each day about the benefits of alternative energy sources like wind turbines, solar energy, geothermal energy, and methane digesters.



Zero-waste Cooking

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will cook 3 meal(s) with zero-waste each day


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Keep Track of Wasted Food
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Where would you rather use this money?

    James Greenhall's avatar
    James Greenhall 4/02/2019 6:57 PM
    I will choose to spend that money on a down payment on solar panels for my home followed by a down payment on an electric vehicle.
    Food Smaller Portions
    Fun fact: Your brain and stomach register feelings of fullness after about 20 minutes of eating. While dishing food out, we tend to load our plates with more than we need. Using smaller plates helps to mitigate this. Aside from the environmental benefits, what other benefits might come out of eating smaller portions?

    James Greenhall's avatar
    James Greenhall 4/02/2019 6:54 PM
    Along with environmental benefits, smaller portions directly improve the health of the individual. I have more energy and feel better when I eat smaller portions. In addition less energy is wasted to grow, harvest, transport, refrigerate and then cook the excess food you don't really need. That is a lot of wasted energy.
    Food Zero-waste Cooking
    How are environmental issues like black carbon and other emissions from cooking fires or rudimentary cookstoves also human health and social justice issues? Why do these issues matter to you?

    James Greenhall's avatar
    James Greenhall 4/02/2019 6:48 PM
    Black carbon emissions directly effect the health and well being of those who breath them in. It is hard to enjoy life during respiratory distress. This is also a social justice issue because the poorest individuals and communities are the ones who have no other choice than to cook this way or can only afford to live in areas saturated with black carbon.
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    In your opinion, what contributes to people in North America eating more meat than any other countries? What does this say about North American values and ways of living?

    James Greenhall's avatar
    James Greenhall 4/02/2019 6:38 PM
    Tradition. We learn our dietary habits from our family and usually repeat those habits without question. Perpetual advertisement encourages over-consumption of unhealthy food choices which may be profitable for the meat industry but are ultimately detrimental to the health of individuals. North America does not put much thought into our food choices - we just eat what we always have (tradition) or what looks desirable in advertisements (mindless consumption). We need to change our tradition to intentionally mindful food choices focusing on  both health and sustainability.
    Electricity Generation Spread the Word about Energy Alternatives
    What inspiration and wisdom can you gather from your family, faith, or community traditions that would help you in both communicating about and addressing our most pressing energy issues?

    James Greenhall's avatar
    James Greenhall 4/02/2019 5:52 PM
    I am inspired by all those in our global community (particularly young people) who are following the tradition of peaceful protest to draw attention the destructive nature of using fossil fuels to produce energy.

  • James Greenhall's avatar
    James Greenhall 4/01/2019 7:53 AM
    Reduce! Reuse!! Recycle!!!

  • James Greenhall's avatar
    James Greenhall 4/01/2019 7:21 AM
    This is great! It is time for action!

  • James Greenhall's avatar
    James Greenhall 4/01/2019 6:40 AM
    We are all traveling through space in the same convertible - lets be good to it!