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April 3 - April 24, 2019
Kimberly Kinnan's avatar

Kimberly Kinnan


"Be a good environmental steward every day in simple every day ways."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 560 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    with people
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    public officials or leaders

Kimberly's actions


Mulch the Base of Trees and Plants

#46 Water Saving - Home

I will prevent water runoff and increase absorbency by mulching the base of trees and plants in my yard.



Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will spend at least 10 minutes learning how to differentiate between sell by, use by, and best by dates.



Choose Recycled Paper

#70 Recycled Paper

I will plan ahead to only use paper products made from post-consumer recycled paper for my home or office.



Share Bioplastic Disposal Tips

#47 Bioplastic

I will spend at least 5 minutes researching how to properly dispose of bioplastics in my city and share this information with 5 friends, family and/or colleagues.


Women and Girls

Support Women-Owned Businesses

#62 Women Smallholders

I will spend 15 minutes each day researching women-owned businesses I can support when shopping.



Keep Track of Wasted Food

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will keep a daily log of food I throw away during the EcoChallenge, either because it went bad before I ate it, I put too much on my plate, or it was scraps from food preparation.


Action Track: Social Justice

Contact your Elected Officials

#23 Farmland Restoration

I will contact 2 elected officials to voice my opinion on the importance of restoring farmland in my region, including both public and private land.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/24/2019 9:07 AM
    Thanks for the opportunity to participate in the Ecochallenge. I have amped up my efforts to be a good steward of the planet!
    Materials Mulch the Base of Trees and Plants
    Name some of the human activities impacting the health of water systems, both locally (your watershed) and globally (freshwater and oceans). What can you do to improve the health of water systems?

    Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/23/2019 8:44 AM
    Gardening practices can impact our water quality. I use only compost, organic fertilizers and amendments in my garden. Mulching trees and plants helps maintain soil moisture, conserves water and discourages weed growth that compromises the health of the plants you want to grow.

  • Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/23/2019 8:35 AM
    There are so many ways to be eco-friendly every day and so many organizations and people to connect with in the community. The Eco-challenge has helped heighten my awareness and increase my motivation to be part of positive change! 

  • Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/18/2019 6:04 AM
    In an effort to continue to be eco-friendly I have been reading and learning about many environmental issues. One very important one is, of course, Line 5.  FLOW (For the Love of Water) puts out some great material and is working hard at solving this problem. Check out their great facts about the Great Lakes. It is valuable information to know and share with others.

  • Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/16/2019 9:05 AM
    When spending time learning about businesses owned and operated by women in the region, I remembered Yana Dee Ethical Apparel on Front Street in Traverse City. What a terrific shop with a great business model! If you have not yet been there, it is time to go. They do a fabulous job, in fashion and environmental stewardship!
    Materials Choose Recycled Paper
    Good job on choosing recycled paper! How can you take your action a step further?

    Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/15/2019 10:08 AM
    Encourage others to use recycled products in their every day lives and give them good examples of why they should. Down the road, further into our family tree, our actions will have an effect on someone. It sure would be nice if the impact was a positive one!

    • Elizabeth Dunham's avatar
      Elizabeth Dunham 4/15/2019 2:01 PM
      At SEEDS we try to source recycled paper, but find that many local shops don't carry it or carry it at a cost effective price because there isn't enough demand for it. So we just keep asking and hope others do too so the market adjusts :)
    Materials Share Bioplastic Disposal Tips
    What concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.

    Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/15/2019 10:06 AM
    We need to look at our resource consumption in a different way. Recycling is good but try to think about reducing, reusing, repairing, restoring, replanting, even re-gifting first. Then there will not be the volume of materials that need to be processed or rather reprocessed! The sheer volume of "stuff" is overwhelming our planet and all of us who live here. Make an effort to reduce first! 
    Food Learn the Truth About Expiration Dates
    How does knowing the difference between use by, sell by, and best by dates empower you to make better decisions?

    Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/15/2019 10:00 AM
    Often times you can purchase food items at reduced cost that have reached their sell by date. This saves you cash and keeps the food item out of the trash. Plan to use the item right away and be flexible in  your meal planning. I have come up with some delicious and economical meals using what I call "Rescue Produce!"

  • Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/11/2019 1:10 PM
    Just spent some time learning more about Benzie County Solid Waste and Recycling. They are doing, and have been for quite some time, a good job in our community. It is great we have single stream recycling, expired medication drop-off locations, household hazardous waste collection days, places to recycle compact florescent light bulbs and so much more. A shout out to Jesse Zylstra! 
    Women and Girls Support Women-Owned Businesses
    Globally, women typically invest a higher proportion of their earnings in their families and communities than men. How can you better support communities by supporting women? Can you share any past experiences that may help others take action?

    Kimberly Kinnan's avatar
    Kimberly Kinnan 4/08/2019 11:08 AM
    Encouraging women in our communities makes us stronger and more resilient. When more components of the community work together, the outcome is positive for everyone from families to businesses to schools and other organizations. Check out 5:14 Candles in Interlochen, MI. Owned and operated by Emily Pangborn. She uses 100% soy wax and cotton wicks, lead free. I posted it on my Facebook page and being a bit tech impaired that is as far as I got!

    • Elizabeth Dunham's avatar
      Elizabeth Dunham 4/10/2019 9:46 AM
      But you shared it here, thank you! Now I will check it out since that is one of my daily challenges, to research women-owned businesses :)