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April 3 - April 24, 2019
Kathleen Mayone's avatar

Kathleen Mayone



  • 0 TODAY
  • 405 TOTAL

Kathleen's actions


Keep Track of Wasted Food

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will keep a daily log of food I throw away during the EcoChallenge, either because it went bad before I ate it, I put too much on my plate, or it was scraps from food preparation.



Learn More about Regenerative Agriculture

#11 Regenerative Agriculture

I will spend at least 60 minutes learning about the need for more regenerative agriculture.


Women and Girls

Help Girls Overcome Health Barriers

#6 Educating Girls

I will donate 1 Femme Kit(s) to help girls overcome health and sanitation barriers to being able to attend school.



Smaller Portions

#3 Reduced Food Waste

I will use smaller plates and/or serve smaller portions when dishing out food.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Kathleen Mayone's avatar
    Kathleen Mayone 4/16/2019 12:02 PM
    Food waste challenge has been tough with young kids and their always changing appetites.  House rule is we strive to take at least 2 bites of a new or less-than-favorite food.  I have to say my kids are pretty good for 3.5 year olds but there are some dinners where their hunger just isn't there and the waste can add up.  Typically we make lunch out of leftovers or I compost veggie scraps.  Any other ideas to help? 

  • Kathleen Mayone's avatar
    Kathleen Mayone 4/12/2019 10:39 AM
    Seeing all the points rack up is pretty amazing.  Keep up the good work everyone! 

  • Kathleen Mayone's avatar
    Kathleen Mayone 4/05/2019 10:21 AM
    This week's initiative to keep a food log of all waste has prompted me to begin composting again.  Most of what I throw away has always been produce skin/scraps so this is helping alleviate some of that landfill burden.  I put a ceramic bin in the kitchen to help make it easier.  Now I just need to convince the kids to help by bringing it outside to empty. 
    Food Learn More about Regenerative Agriculture
    Clean air, clean water and healthy food are three reasons to care about regenerative agriculture. What are some other reasons?

    Kathleen Mayone's avatar
    Kathleen Mayone 4/03/2019 1:03 PM
    Regenerative agriculture seems to be a way to go back to more basic principles and simpler techniques that were used long before industrial farming.  I think this desire to go back in time has lead us to re-evaluate how we farm and bring about change for the good.  Better farming practices can enhance overall conditions for the agriculture workforce.  As more fair trade certified products emerge we help to protect not only the crops but those people working in them.  The approach also ensure fair pricing for farmers, empowers the community, and creates more conscious consumerism.  These elements can have significant global impact. 
    Women and Girls Help Girls Overcome Health Barriers
    In what other ways could you help girls overcome health barriers to being able to attend school?

    Kathleen Mayone's avatar
    Kathleen Mayone 4/03/2019 7:15 AM
    Donate funds to organizations that provide vaccinations (measles, hepatitis B, polio, malaria) for school age children and help spread awareness and educate families about the benefits.  GAVI the Vaccine Alliance works with countries to address gender barriers to ensure all boys and girls have equal access to vaccines. The Charities AID Foundation of America accepts donations for this cause. 
    Food Keep Track of Wasted Food
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Where would you rather use this money?

    Kathleen Mayone's avatar
    Kathleen Mayone 4/03/2019 6:35 AM
    I would much rather use this money for family activities like day trips to the aquarium, kids museums, sport centers and other fun spots my kids like to visit. 
    Food Smaller Portions
    Fun fact: Your brain and stomach register feelings of fullness after about 20 minutes of eating. While dishing food out, we tend to load our plates with more than we need. Using smaller plates helps to mitigate this. Aside from the environmental benefits, what other benefits might come out of eating smaller portions?

    Kathleen Mayone's avatar
    Kathleen Mayone 4/03/2019 6:28 AM
    My family has a history of gallbladder issues so I know overeating is a big problem.  I try to be mindful of this and eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.  If I go too long without food I'm more likely to eat too much too fast and aggravate my gallbladder.  The book "The Mindfullness-Based Eating Solution" has been a big help to give me daily practices to reduce overeating.  It also helps me waste less food when I make smaller batches or freeze half of what I've made to prevent overeating. 

  • Kathleen Mayone's avatar
    Kathleen Mayone 4/03/2019 6:01 AM
    Excited to get started today.  Biggest challenge will be tracking my food waste but this is something I'm always trying to better control.  Keeping a log should make me more accountable and I hope to get my kids involved as well.