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April 3 - April 24, 2019

Ability Building Center Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Mia  Falconer 's avatar
    Mia Falconer 4/24/2019 4:29 AM
    Silvopasture benefits livestock,  the ecosystem,  and promotes productive land use on one piece of land.  Very beneficial. 

  • Mia  Falconer 's avatar
    Mia Falconer 4/20/2019 11:07 AM
    Is anyone going to compete with me?  😁

  • Mia  Falconer 's avatar
    Mia Falconer 4/11/2019 10:07 AM

  • Mia  Falconer 's avatar
    Mia Falconer 4/10/2019 8:54 PM
    Materials Go Paperless
    What do you want to prioritize over material 'stuff' in your own life?

    Bethany Gangestad-Birk's avatar
    Bethany Gangestad-Birk 4/09/2019 6:42 AM
    I tend to prioritize tattoos, concerts and other memories with loved ones over material things.  

  • Mia  Falconer 's avatar
    Mia Falconer 4/07/2019 8:24 PM
    Nothing was thrown away today, I chose smaller portions. :D
    Food Keep Track of Wasted Food
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Where would you rather use this money?

    Mia  Falconer 's avatar
    Mia Falconer 4/03/2019 7:50 PM
    I ate until I "thought" I was full and threw the rest of my vegetables away.  I was hungry 30 minutes later :(

  • Devon Majerus's avatar
    Devon Majerus 4/03/2019 12:12 PM
    I mentioned it to Bethany GB, but I thought it would be really fun and rewarding to work on improving our bus stop on the corner as a team. Maybe it's something the sustainability group could get started on and branch out from there? 

  • Mia  Falconer 's avatar
    Mia Falconer 4/03/2019 12:10 PM
    Day #1- Let's go, Team ABC!

  • Mia  Falconer 's avatar
    Mia Falconer 3/27/2019 11:36 AM
    EcoChallenge is on again!  Let's go team!