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April 3 - April 24, 2019

Cambia Community Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Learn More about Silvopasture
    Had you heard of the term "silvopasture" before now? After learning more about it, what do you think is the biggest advantage of silvopasture?

    Jennifer Colburn's avatar
    Jennifer Colburn 4/23/2019 3:46 PM
    I hadn't heard of silvopasture before, but it's a great concept and I shared it with my brother who is a farmer. It makes sense to have trees and animals sharing space, and mutually benefiting each other. 
    Materials Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
    What would a sustainable water future in your region look like? What needs to change?

    Jennifer Colburn's avatar
    Jennifer Colburn 4/23/2019 3:08 PM
    If people reduced the amount of water used during summer months, all of our lawns would be dead, but there are plenty of native plants that are drought resistant and evergreen that could be planted instead of grass for beautiful landscapes. 

  • Amisha Asher's avatar
    Amisha Asher 4/23/2019 2:59 PM
    Change for the good should be kept for life !!
    Food Support Nutrient Management
    How does environmental quality influence your sense of community?

    Amber Hargens's avatar
    Amber Hargens 4/15/2019 7:20 AM
    I grew up in a very tiny town of less than 700 people, where the wilderness edged the town & wildlife was prevalent. Living here, I never really noticed how amazing our home was. After moving to a much larger town with more than 70,000 people, I experienced a severe level of culture shock. Not merely because of the number of buildings & people, but the amount of waste & disregard for their home.

    Within the urban areas, I have encountered a number of different paths of environmental thought, including: "Everything is good, so why worry?;" "Someone else will fix it;" "It's not affecting me, so it's not a problem; and "It's not that bad, we can fix it later." 

    However, I have also met others who have intentionally uprooted their lives to live in locales with worse environmental conditions, because of their "I can fix this"  or "I want to help" attitudes. 

    My personal commitment is to maintain the "good" and improve the "bad." 
    Food Zero-waste Cooking
    How are environmental issues like black carbon and other emissions from cooking fires or rudimentary cookstoves also human health and social justice issues? Why do these issues matter to you?

    Amber Hargens's avatar
    Amber Hargens 4/15/2019 7:05 AM
    Black carbon emissions are linked to cardiovascular disease, birth defects, & respiratory problems. I grew up in a home that was heated with a wood-stove & where some of our cooking was also done.  
    I was diagnosed with asthma as a young adult, which the doctor indicated was triggered by prolonged smoke damage. I've never smoked in my life, but he said I had the lungs of someone who had smoked a pack a day for several decades. 
    Therefore, these issues are very serious for me on a personal level. It breaks my heart that such a simple change in lifestyle could prevent other children from going through what I have.
    Women and Girls Give a Microloan
    Globally, women typically invest a higher proportion of their earnings in their families and communities than men. Why do you think that is?

    Jennifer Colburn's avatar
    Jennifer Colburn 4/11/2019 4:11 PM
    Women invest more in their families and communities then men because they recognize that even small contributions close to home can make a big difference in the lives of people around them. 
    Transport Use Muscle Power
    How do your transportation choices affect your engagement in your community? Does your experience or enjoyment differ while walking, riding transit, biking or driving?

    Jennifer Colburn's avatar
    Jennifer Colburn 4/11/2019 4:04 PM
    Biking to work, even in the rain, is great, as I see my neighbors walking their dogs and I wave and say hi. 
    Buildings and Cities Go for a Daily Walk
    What have you noticed on your daily walks? What have you enjoyed? What infrastructure changes could make your walks more enjoyable or possible?

    Miriam Moore's avatar
    Miriam Moore 4/09/2019 7:45 AM
    My village doesn't have sidewalks on all streets and I'm not comfortable walking in the street so it limits where and how much I walk.
    Buildings and Cities Explore Other Buildings and Cities Solutions
    What did you find out? What is the most interesting fact you learned?

    Miriam Moore's avatar
    Miriam Moore 4/09/2019 7:43 AM
    The drawdown article was probably the densest I've read so far in this challenge and I don't recommend it. The Solutions U piece, on the other hand, was quite accessible. I learned that separating bikes from cars increased bike trips 60% in Vancouver BC.
    Action Track: Social Justice Learn about Local Indigenous Practices
    What did you learn about indigenous peoples' land management that you can apply in your own life?

    Miriam Moore's avatar
    Miriam Moore 4/09/2019 7:39 AM
    I think it's about being in touch with where you live, and remembering that every choice has many impacts.