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April 3 - April 24, 2019
Connie LeClerc's avatar
April 3 - April 24, 2019

Connie LeClerc

Isabelle Organic Farm


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    spent learning
  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals

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  • April 22 at 12:52 PM
    i am forgetting to check in daily but i am sticking to at LEAST one meat less meal a day.. usually more.. I am also reducing food waste (shopping my fridge.  Leftover night once a week, and composting more faithfully) 
  • April 22 at 12:48 PM
    There are plants that do well in pairs.. .. that you can do alley cropping with rows of trees between rows for grain (ex. corn/peaches) .  That No Till saves soil and builds water reserves.  That biochar has been around for centuries and is a good way to improve productivity at the same time that you sequester carbon.. That there are two...
  • April 13 at 3:58 PM
    Obviously deforestation happens with wood product fuel issues.  Deforestation is a huge humanity blight..   Alternative stoves either solar or with increased effeciency help keep people healthier. and the planet healthier too.  Healthier people are more productive, don't miss school, have more money to build their daily security and well...
  • April 8 at 4:27 PM
    i actually am eating more than one meatless meal a day.    My biggest struggle with reducing food waste is to actually buy less food at the grocery store.. i have raised two children so i still tend to buy for a family.. I also was raised in the country and we only went to the store once a week so our cart was usually full.   I DO like to go to...
  • April 8 at 4:23 PM
    It may be helpful to also slow us down and give us pause ... to eat a more portion controlled amount may help spur awareness of our tendency to just stuff our faces.. if we have smaller plates.. we may be more mindful in our eating habits.. HOPE so!
  • April 4 at 9:57 AM
    i chose the food challenge because it is something i can do every day.. and we had a speaker at our church from HAZON and she gave us good concrete suggestions about reducing food waste.. 
  • April 4 at 9:56 AM
    Seems to be a cultural factor that meat is so high on our diet.   Convenience is also a factor but i think traditionally we see our selves as hard working so we need 'meat' .   In actuality,  we are hard working but not in the physical sense of days gone by where farming and factory work was the norm.. We have not adjusted our self-identity to...

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