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April 3 - April 24, 2019

Green Bees Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Electricity Generation Watch a Video about Methane Digesters
    What does your vision of a sustainable community look like? What would need to be changed in order for such vision to become reality?

    Andy Behr's avatar
    Andy Behr 4/25/2019 9:54 AM
    It's sounds very idealistic, but it's mostly just using resources available to you naturally to keep a balance.  It's houses and building getting most of their energy from solar or wind. It's reusing what you can...everything from composting food waste and repurposing plastic and glass as needed and using those resources to further support food production.  One thing I really learned from these challenges is that the ability to live in a sustainable way is's just a matter of doing it.

  • Anne Nesmith's avatar
    Anne Nesmith 4/24/2019 6:16 PM
    Tiffany, I am so impressed with what you did here and especially impressed with the impact everyone on the team has made. Congratulations!

    KAREN BURLINGAME 4/24/2019 5:32 PM
    My composting bin!

    Materials Research Cement Alternatives
    Concrete is a good example of a material that most of us encounter every day, but may its carbon footprint is not obvious. What other everyday materials might have a large carbon footprint? How can you find out more?

    Barbara Behr's avatar
    Barbara Behr 4/24/2019 5:27 PM
    I really didn't know what else causes a large carbon footprint so I had to look some articles up on Google to figure this one out!
    Cars and other modes of transportation apparently cause a large carbon footprint so reducing the amount you drive or travel can reduce this footprint.
    Using appliances in your home is also responsible for a large carbon footprint.  Using electricity, coat, gas, and oil emits carbon dioxide into the air.  The appliances that put out the biggest carbon footprint are electric dryers, refrigerators, freezers, ovens, and dishwashers.  But by decreasing the use of these appliances or buy switching to energy efficient ones you can reduce the carbon footprint.
    You can also decrease your own carbon footprint by using rain barrels to collect water for use on flowers and other purposes than drinking.

    Land Use Forest-Friendly Foods 1
    How is your diet currently impacting deforestation? What can you do to decrease your negative impact and increase your positive impact?

    Barbara Behr's avatar
    Barbara Behr 4/24/2019 5:16 PM
    I don't like coffee which is responsible for deforestation.
    But I love chocolate so I will have to look for cocoa products which have the Rainforest Alliance Certified Seal so I know the cocoa used in those products do not support deforestation.
    Meat, dairy and eggs are not directly responsible for deforestation but they feed for the livestock is... I eat lots of burgers so will have to cut down on those but my dairy and eggs consumption isn't that high.
    Apparently palm oil is responsible for mass deforestation in Africa, Indonesia, and Malaysia, but it is in everything!   It can be found in over 50% of all consumer goods!!  I read it is commonly found in processed food so I need to cut back on my intake of processed food and eat more fruit and vegetables!!

  • Andy Behr's avatar
    Andy Behr 4/24/2019 4:54 PM
    Good work everyone! Gotta say, my daily challenges weren't too bad, though I wont be sad to eat a sandwich for lunch tomorrow :)

  • Barbara Behr's avatar
    Barbara Behr 4/24/2019 4:29 PM
    Last day of he challenge!  

    I have learned a lot, tried to participate as much as I could, and actually had fun!

    Thanks to our Team Leader Tiffany!  You encouraged us, reminded us, and are a great model of someone who is passionate about keeping the planet healthy and clean.
    Action Track: Social Justice Support Microgeneration in Low Income Countries
    How can micro energy solutions reduce inequities? Why is this important to you?

    Barbara Behr's avatar
    Barbara Behr 4/24/2019 4:02 PM
    Microgrids help rural and low income areas that don't have access to electricity.  These grids use energy sources like wind or solar to provide electricity to these areas.
    These solutions to bring electricity to areas who used to live without electricity have helped these populations by improving their local economies and making running a business easier.  This helps people to live better, provide for their families, and changing their lives for the better.
    Women and Girls Learn about the Need for Family Planning
    What did you learn about the need for family planning? Share some of the learning with your friends!

    Andy Behr's avatar
    Andy Behr 4/24/2019 8:01 AM
    I came into this reading with the idea that family planning was an absolute right that women should have; in my opinion, any reproductive needs fall under basic health rights and should be available to all.  What I never considered, though, was the way this connected to climate change.  To me, it was always about individual choice, and whether or not someone had the information and availability of methods to decide when and if they had a children.  But i never really saw the bigger issue around how that relates to overpopulation and thus climate change. It's just another way most of our actions are tied to environmental impacts, and that's probably the biggest lesson I learned from the's all interconnected and isn't really as simple as just recycling or using your car less. And while that can seem daunting, it's inspiring that the work to fight climate change is also the work to provide equal rights and to combat poverty, etc.
    Electricity Generation Communicate With My Elected Officials
    What inspires you to act on sustainable energy and other energy issues?

    Andy Behr's avatar
    Andy Behr 4/24/2019 7:50 AM
    I kind of answered this in another reflection, so I'll use the same answer.  Mostly, it's for selfish reasons... I care because I have kids and it's unconscionable to do nothing when we're collectively leaving the world a worse (or non-existent!) place for them. But beyond that, we're all in this together, and this is going to affect everyone's kids and grandkids if we make it that far. We're already seeing the suffering climate change is causing and it's absolutely essential we do everything we can now.