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April 3 - April 24, 2019



Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Materials Properly Dispose of Refrigerants
    How do you address your own feelings of concern, fear or despair about climate change?

    John McComb's avatar
    John McComb 4/24/2019 9:11 PM
    I am worried, but it is not despair. I have been involved in lobbying on environmental issues forever with some success. The U.S. position is deeply diaappointing.
    Buildings and Cities Online Energy Audit
    What are your next steps for saving energy?

    John McComb's avatar
    John McComb 4/24/2019 9:09 PM
    Big items that on all the time include my refrigerator (363 KWh/year), my computer (531 KWh/year). The next biggest items which are ones less often on are the TV (assume 3 hours/day = 100 KWh/year], After that lighting maybe another 70 KWh/year.
    Transport Explore Other Transport Solutions
    What did you find out? What is the most interesting fact you learned?

    Karen Hollweg's avatar
    Karen Hollweg 4/24/2019 6:41 PM
    That a top priority is to increase the use of e-bikes in cities & that there are significant ways to decrease the GHG emissions from airplanes
    Electricity Generation Watch a Video about Methane Digesters
    What does your vision of a sustainable community look like? What would need to be changed in order for such vision to become reality?

    Karen Hollweg's avatar
    Karen Hollweg 4/24/2019 6:30 PM
    There needs to be closed systems within communities -- importantly, making materials flows and waste more apparent to all -- and I believe, reducing waste of materials and energy. 
    Electricity Generation Support Companies Leading in Green Energy
    Every dollar you put into solar or wind is a dollar not put into traditional financial institutions. You'll also be bolstering the fossil fuel divestment movement, too. Name some companies you know that invest in green energy. How can you support them?

    Karen Hollweg's avatar
    Karen Hollweg 4/24/2019 5:03 PM
    Starbuck's , Kohl, Panera, Walmart -- it's really a mixed bag. Moral: everyone has things on which they can still improve -- i.e. drawdown more!

  • Lisa LaRocque's avatar
    Lisa LaRocque 4/24/2019 10:22 AM
    its important to be accountable and creat a sense of synergy 

  • Kristie Wagner's avatar
    Kristie Wagner 4/24/2019 8:07 AM
    Great job everyone! Keep up the good work in our last day of the EcoChallenge! Maybe you have time for another one-time challenge? 

    What was your favorite challenge? The easiest one? The hardest one? Your least favorite? 
    Electricity Generation Watch a Video about Methane Digesters
    What does your vision of a sustainable community look like? What would need to be changed in order for such vision to become reality?

    Kristie Wagner's avatar
    Kristie Wagner 4/24/2019 8:02 AM
    A sustainable community can support itself entirely on resources where it is situated with minimal outside resources. In our world there are likely to be some outside resources coming into a system, but there would have to be a huge paradigm shift to make this common place.
    Transport Explore Other Transport Solutions
    What did you find out? What is the most interesting fact you learned?

    Kristie Wagner's avatar
    Kristie Wagner 4/24/2019 8:01 AM
    There are a lot in the greater Milwaukee area, but not as many in the suburban areas nearby where I live and work. I found it interesting that there aren't more connecting public transit options since everything is so close together here and it would be incredibly easy and efficient to have something like a train or similar option.
    Transport Research and Advocate for High-Speed Rail
    What are the factors that influence your choice of transportation? These can include things like money, time, and convenience, as well as perceptions of danger or safety. What would need to change for you to regularly choose more climate-friendly options?

    Kristie Wagner's avatar
    Kristie Wagner 4/24/2019 7:59 AM
    Time and convenience mostly, but I think there would have to be a lot that would change for me to take public transportation, unfortunately. One major thing is that I am 20 miles away from where I work and there is no form of public transit available to me.