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April 3 - April 24, 2019

Solecito Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Tanya cortez's avatar
    Tanya cortez 4/22/2019 8:29 AM
    I like to believe that with small actions I contribute to the sustainability of the planet

  • Tanya cortez's avatar
    Tanya cortez 4/22/2019 8:29 AM
    I like to believe that with small actions I contribute to the sustainability of the planet
    Materials Go Paperless
    What do you want to prioritize over material 'stuff' in your own life?

    Tanya cortez's avatar
    Tanya cortez 4/22/2019 8:27 AM
    think of another use for things before throwing them
    Electricity Generation Learn More About Geothermal Energy
    Geothermal energy is reliable, abundant, and efficient. Project Drawdown states that public investment will play a crucial role in its expansion. In what ways (i.e. with money, time, advocacy) can you invest in geothermal energy?

    Marlene López's avatar
    Marlene López 4/12/2019 2:01 PM
    Es muy interesante pero no puedo instalarlo en mi casa.
    Electricity Generation Spread the Word about Energy Alternatives
    What inspiration and wisdom can you gather from your family, faith, or community traditions that would help you in both communicating about and addressing our most pressing energy issues?

    Marlene López's avatar
    Marlene López 4/12/2019 2:00 PM
    Me gustaría generar electricidad a través de paneles solares en la azotea, es muy interesante
    Electricity Generation Learn More about Biomass
    Had you ever heard of biomass techonology before you took this challenge? What did you learn that surprised you? Share this with your friends!

    Marlene López's avatar
    Marlene López 4/12/2019 1:56 PM
    La energía de la biomasa es una verdadera solución solo si utiliza materia prima adecuada, como los desechos de los molinos y la agricultura o los cultivos perennes de cultivo sostenible. El uso de cultivos anuales de cereales como el maíz y el sorgo agota las aguas subterráneas y requiere altos insumos de energía. Usar bosques nativos es nada menos que una atrocidad.

  • Tanya cortez's avatar
    Tanya cortez 4/11/2019 11:29 AM
    aprovechar al maximo la luz natural para realizar las actividades
    Buildings and Cities Go for a Daily Walk
    What have you noticed on your daily walks? What have you enjoyed? What infrastructure changes could make your walks more enjoyable or possible?

    Tanya cortez's avatar
    Tanya cortez 4/11/2019 11:27 AM
    al caminar se disfruta de conocer los diferentes lugares por los que a diario pasamos, mejorar la iluminacion podria contribuir a la seguridad para caminar de noche

  • roxana menjivar's avatar
    roxana menjivar 4/07/2019 1:29 PM
    Reutilización de materiales reciclados para jardín.

  • Tanya cortez's avatar
    Tanya cortez 4/05/2019 2:04 PM
    If we all contribute something small, we can achieve great changes