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April 3 - April 24, 2019

All for Earth Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Transport Stay on the Ground
    What was your process like for restructuring your trip? How can you avoid more air travel in the future?

    JD  Williams's avatar
    JD Williams 4/24/2019 6:08 PM
    I made a determination about the purpose of the trip and what I was going to accomplish during my visit, given it was a holiday long weekend.  At the end of it all, I decided to put of a return trip home for another 4 weeks, until which time there would be more service hours available to conduct the personal business that I needed to attend to in my hometown. By employing the same rationale, i could essentially reduce my monthly flights by 1/2.  needless to say, there were lots of FaceTime telephone calls this past weekend. 
    Materials Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
    What would a sustainable water future in your region look like? What needs to change?

    JD  Williams's avatar
    JD Williams 4/24/2019 5:53 PM
    A sustainable water future in my region would make identification of low flow faucets, shower heads and toilet the standard. Any products or brands that did not adhere to that standard would be pulled from the shelves. Why should less sustainable products continue to be purchase if they do not feel into our overarching goal of conservation? I think back to the challenge where I was charged with installing the low flow shower head. There were so many products available, however only a few bore the EPA watersense seal. People habits and mind set needs to change. The purchasers for stores have to level up on their sustainable future habits. Once they are aware, then they have the power to make better choices. You can't know, what you don't know, right? Education is the key. 
    Electricity Generation Watch a Video about Methane Digesters
    What does your vision of a sustainable community look like? What would need to be changed in order for such vision to become reality?

    kimberly bauer's avatar
    kimberly bauer 4/23/2019 8:26 PM
    No more huge amounts of waste on the curb. More people walking and car pooling. Much much less plastic and consumption. Solar panels on houses and schools. More natural outdoor play spaces for children. More gardens and less lawns. More shopping local. Less stuff and more time for relationships.

    What needs to change are attitudes about and awareness of human impact.  We need to be more concerned about the well-being of future generations and we need to make conscious choices when consuming. We have to be self disciplined enough to resist the "fast" habits we have developed over the past 60 years. It is time to live more simply again.

  • JD  Williams's avatar
    JD Williams 4/23/2019 5:45 PM
    Ok. I can see why some may be reluctant to adopt more Earth friendly practices. Let me explain... I selected the challenge of installing a low flow showerhead, it sounds enough, right?!!! Not so.  It was not as easy as it would seem. First, who knew there would  be a multitude of showerheads to choose from!

    And if this wasn't bad enough, after reading about 8 product labels, I wasn't any closer to identifying which one of these was a low flow apparatus. By happenstance a clerck passed by the aisle I was in, and I guess I look overwhelmed with the task before me and she kindly offered to help me with my challenge.   We came across this symbol on one of the products:

    And after a quick Google check to decipher the image, I learned that I hit the Bullseye. I am now a proud owner of a low flow showerhead head. I

    Installation was a breeze. And it's working like a charm. I feel a great sense of satisfaction having done this. 
    Land Use Choose Better Wood Products
    Beyond carbon sequestration, what other benefits do forests offer you personally?

    Shiral LeBlanc's avatar
    Shiral LeBlanc 4/23/2019 4:21 PM
    I have a huge love for the outdoors. We spend a lot of time hiking, climbing, kayaking and just enjoying the natural beauty. 
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    In your opinion, what contributes to people in North America eating more meat than any other countries? What does this say about North American values and ways of living?

    kimberly bauer's avatar
    kimberly bauer 4/20/2019 4:02 AM
    People in many parts of Canada live with winter conditions at least 6 months of the year. This has contributed to a culture of meat-eating. Overtime, with the availability of fresh vegetables and the influence of immigrants, non meaning cultures, on local offerings, this is changing. Awareness and availability are evolving how people eat.

    • JD  Williams's avatar
      JD Williams 4/23/2019 2:42 PM
      Thanka for your perspective Kimberly. So true. I have learned from posts (yours included) by the team how  challenging it can be to break the meat habit. At the  same time I have also  managed shift my diet to one with mostly fruit, veggies, seedsand  grains fo the past 2 1/2 weeks. Felt like I was in withdrawal, bt now, I feel great! 

  • Ryan Jones's avatar
    Ryan Jones 4/17/2019 4:03 PM
    I’m looking to reroute my morning bike to work as it looks like the southside trail along the Wolastoq (St. John River) will soon be completely flooded. I have read reports that flood levels may approach the high waters of last year, which was previously a “once in a hundred year” type event. I’m thankful a reroute is likely all that I personally will have to deal with, hopefully those along the river are prepared.

    A two day comparison between two pictures, and then a third picture from this morning. 

  • JD  Williams's avatar
    JD Williams 4/16/2019 5:09 PM
    If you're the kind of shopper who wants to know the details-of where, and how the textiles that make your clothes are sourced, you've got to read this feature article written by Altitude Sports based out of Montreal, QC Canada. 

    In the article, the company showcases Icebreaker, a New Zealand-based company (Mt Nicholas Station), the 30, 000 head herd of merino sheep, and their groundbreaking Transparency Report. The report involves a comprehensive reporting out of environmental and ethical efforts made by the brand, including: financial numbers, independent audits, the good, bad, and ugly! 

    Awarded the 2019 Tearful Fund Ethical Fashion Guide  A+ rating

    Now, this is clothing I can get into and feel comfortable about my choices.

    Read the full article here.

  • Beth Corey's avatar
    Beth Corey 4/16/2019 4:35 AM
    The best before date indicates how long the contents of the container is at the height of freshness in an unopened container. But that doesn't mean you should dispose of it once it's past that date.   - I did not know this....I have thrown out yogart and condiments if they are expired automatically.  I just thought that is what you are suppose to do!  I will now have smell and a look and keep some of these things longer.  This is going to save me so much $$, decrease waste! 

  • Shiral LeBlanc's avatar
    Shiral LeBlanc 4/16/2019 4:10 AM
    I'm sure by now that most people have heard of the #trashtag challenge. I have seen some absolutely stunning transformations, from beaches, to parks, to highways. It really goes to show that every little bit counts!

    • JD  Williams's avatar
      JD Williams 4/17/2019 6:46 PM
      Wow ! Some of those transformations are incredible.
      I had not heard of this before.
      Thanks for sharing.