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April 3 - April 24, 2019

B&D Emerald Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Sharon Reinhart's avatar
    Sharon Reinhart 4/24/2019 2:13 PM
    I hope that this experience will help me to remember on a daily basis to think of what and how I do things in order to help this Earth be a better place for its habitants today and in the future.

  • Sharon Reinhart's avatar
    Sharon Reinhart 4/24/2019 2:10 PM
    I took a wonderful walk in the City today at lunchtime.  We should all be proud of ourselves for helping the Earth.

  • Laura LaValle's avatar
    Laura LaValle 4/24/2019 12:32 PM
    The challenge has been a great way to step up my efforts to tread lightly on this great earth of ours!

  • Nadia Wagner's avatar
    Nadia Wagner 4/24/2019 10:08 AM
    Today is the day.  Last day of the Drawdown Eco Challenge.  It has been challenging, fun and inspirational.  I have enjoyed seeing our team's progress and am looking forward to seeing our collective firm impact.  Kudos to ALL teams who joined in this wonderful experience.  I regret that I was unable to clean up a bus stop as was my intention but spent the day yesterday cleaning up Central Park so I did my small part.

  • Nadia Wagner's avatar
    Nadia Wagner 4/23/2019 5:12 PM
    Only ONE DAY left to the Challenge and I still have to clean up a bus stop!!  Will look for one tomorrow!
    Buildings and Cities Choose LED Bulbs
    Changing lightbulbs is an excellent first step toward energy efficiency! What's next for you?

    Tina Hein's avatar
    Tina Hein 4/23/2019 2:27 PM
    I'd like to learn about how to reduce the amount of plastic I use on a daily basis. No need for plastic grocery bags, no need for plastic bags for each produce item either.

  • Sharon Reinhart's avatar
    Sharon Reinhart 4/23/2019 9:19 AM
    This last weekend, I planted some new perennials in our flowerbeds.  We took our doggie for a walk in the park.  It was great getting out and feeling the warmth of the sun!

  • Sharon Reinhart's avatar
    Sharon Reinhart 4/22/2019 8:18 AM
    Today is Earth Day, I have spent the last 62 years on this Earth and many things have changed.  Some for the positive and some for the negative.  I hope to continue to help this Earth survive and get better.

  • Kathy Szmuszkovicz's avatar
    Kathy Szmuszkovicz 4/22/2019 4:40 AM
    What a beautiful week-end.  Tuned up my bike and gardened.  These vinca were transplanted from my parents’ home in Michigan to Virginia and they are thriving.

  • Kathy Szmuszkovicz's avatar
    Kathy Szmuszkovicz 4/22/2019 4:37 AM