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April 3 - April 24, 2019
Amy H.'s avatar

Amy H.

Neighbours for the Planet

"I want to help stop climate change."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 640 TOTAL

participant impact

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    spent exercising
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    spent learning

Amy's actions

Land Use

Forest-Friendly Foods 1

#5 Tropical Forests

I will spend at least 5 minutes researching the impact of my diet to see how it contributes to deforestation.



Explore Other Transport Solutions

All Transport Solutions

I will spend at least 7 minutes researching other Drawdown Transport Solutions.


Electricity Generation

Watch a Video about Methane Digesters

#30 Methane Digesters (large), #64 Methane Digesters (small)

I will watch a video about methane digesters (also commonly known as anaerobic digesters).



Learn More about Silvopasture

#9 Silvopasture

I will spend at least 10 minutes watching videos and/or reading about the environmental benefits of silvopasture.


Buildings and Cities

Go for a Daily Walk

#54 Walkable Cities

I will take a walk for 30 minutes each day and take note of the infrastructure that makes walking more or less enjoyable, accessible, and possible.



Recycle Everything I Can

#55 Household Recycling

I will recycle all materials that are accepted by local haulers or drop stations in my community.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/23/2019 6:54 PM
    Tomorrow is the last day! Good job everyone!
    Land Use Forest-Friendly Foods 1
    How is your diet currently impacting deforestation? What can you do to decrease your negative impact and increase your positive impact?

    Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/23/2019 6:53 PM
    I am eating quite a lot of palm oil, and quite a lot of dairy products. I will try to drink water and less milk. Also, I will try to not eat a lot of chocolate. I never new that chocolate effects the environment!  l will also look at my snacks and teII my mom if l see palm oil in my snack so that she will not buy it.

    • Crafty Cat's avatar
      Crafty Cat 4/24/2019 7:45 PM
      I have found that many chocolate companies use Cadbury chocolate which hasn't done anything to stop deforestation in their cocoa harvesting. 
      Some of these candy bars include: 
      1. Cadbury Creme Egg
      2. Crunchie
      3. Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut
      4. Twirl
      5. Curly Wurly
      6. Starbar
      7. Double Decker
      8. Boost
      9. Cadbury Mr. Big
      10. 5 Star
      11. Heroes
      12. Fry's Turkish Delight
      13. Crispy Crunch
      14. Chomp
      15. Fry's Chocolate Cream
      16. Cherry Ripe
      17. Moro
      18. Cadbury Snack
      19. Brunch Bar
      20. Fuse
      21. Cadbury Buttons
      22. Cadbury Roses
      23. Cadbury Snowflake
      24. Cadbury fudge

    • Sandy Bill's avatar
      Sandy Bill 4/23/2019 7:05 PM
      Lots of great ideas!  I really need to cut down on chocolate myself.

  • Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/23/2019 3:10 PM
    I forgot to do my challenges for three days. I didn't have enough time. Well, I did half of them.

  • Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/15/2019 5:55 PM
    My dad is still in front of Simon!😀😀

  • Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/12/2019 6:43 PM
    I watched a video about methane digesters.

  • Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/10/2019 6:03 PM
    I am saving energy by instead of turning on the light I open my curtain and it is practically the exact same brightness! I also reduce plastic waste by challenging myself to see how much toothpaste I can use before it runs out!

    • Andy Hampton's avatar
      Andy Hampton 4/10/2019 7:32 PM
      Well done Amy!!

    • Amy H.'s avatar
      Amy H. 4/10/2019 6:35 PM
      Whoops! I just researched are Tim Horton's cups recyclable and it said yes but not everywhere!

  • Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/10/2019 5:53 PM
    Before, my teacher put Tim Hortons coffee cups in the recycling. But then I saw him doing that and I told him where it was supposed to go and now he puts it in the right place!🗑🗑🗑✔♻️♻️♻️❌

  • Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/05/2019 4:30 PM
    I answered all of my reflection questions!

    • Amy H.'s avatar
      Amy H. 4/11/2019 4:37 PM
      Hi Chloe, what challenges do you have ?🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

    • Chloe Wang🐱🐈's avatar
      Chloe Wang🐱🐈 4/07/2019 12:45 PM
      Me too!

  • Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/05/2019 4:23 PM
    Hi Chloe,are you doing well in your challenges?
    Food Learn More about Silvopasture
    Had you heard of the term "silvopasture" before now? After learning more about it, what do you think is the biggest advantage of silvopasture?

    Amy H.'s avatar
    Amy H. 4/05/2019 4:06 PM
    I have never heard of silvopasture before. After I have learned about it, I think that the biggest advantage of silvopasture is that the trees absorbs more of cow farts than without trees.

    • Amy H.'s avatar
      Amy H. 4/07/2019 4:04 PM
        The trees absorbs carbon dioxide which cancels out most of the methane gas that the cows farts.

    • Chloe Wang🐱🐈's avatar
      Chloe Wang🐱🐈 4/07/2019 12:47 PM
      What do you mean by " I think that the biggest advantage of silvopasture is that the trees absorbs more of cow farts than without trees." I'm a little confused.